The tea contains a mix of 7 types of herbs picked up from the ecologically pure highlands of Armenia.This herbal mix contains a large number of vitamins and microelements. It stimulates protective properties, and promotes regulation of metabolism, immune system and gastrointestinal tract and blood purification as well.
Ingredients: epibolium,melissa,chamomile, thyme, helichrysum, clover, leaves of cherry.
Preparation method: put 1 teaspoon of loose tea into 200 ml of boiled water and leave it for 5-7 minutes.
Storage method: store in a cool and dry place in the temperature of up to 20oC and relativehumidity above 70%.
Each pack of tea contains 5 tea filter bags.
He has uplifting, splitted stem. It's being gathered during the all flowering period. Clover's headlike floral boucets and the green mass used for ear and eye diseases.
The tincture of herb,s flower gives therapeutic good results in inflammation of the gastrointestinal disorders , and during the diseases of the kidney stone and inflammation of nerves.
Thyme (Chabrze) is a unique herb, that is used by man from immemorial times. The plant flourishes from May to autumn, and the fruits grow in August-September. It is very valuable for its unique fragrance and strongest therapeutic antibacterial, wound healing, anesthetic, expectorant and a number of other features. It also regulates metabolism. Thyme improves appetite, strengthens production of gastric juice, promotes digestion, calms the abdomen pains. The wettings and bath relieve joints’, muscles’, nervous pains, and also treat skin diseases.
It has been more than 2,000 years since the melissa is being used in many countries in scientific and folk medicine.Younger leaves and stems, which are gathered until flourishing are being used as a seasoning, for tumors, furuncules, digestive disorders, heart failure, during poisoning.
Ivan Tea (Epibolium) is characterized as calming, anti-inflammatory, emollient, diaphoretic, enveloping and with anti-tumor properties. Ivan tea contains phenolic compounds, proteins, carbohydrates, alkaloids, vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and C.
The fruit of the chamomile is crooked, with compressed base, trihedral, gray greenisհ seed. All the plant organs have a strong fragrant smell. The fruits begin to ripen in July. It has many healing properties. The tincture useful during diseases of gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract, emphysema, stomach motility (spasm).
Cherry Leaves - But few knows that not only the cherry, but also the cherry leaves are useful. Young cherry leaves contain large quantities of vitamins and very useful for blood vessels, reduces the likelihood of the formation of tromboses and the blood pressure.