The tea contains a mix of 7 types of herbs picked up from the ecologically pure highlands of Armenia. This herbal mix is useful for immunity improvement. It has antipyretic, vessel cleansing, anti-inflammatory properties, reduces hemoglobin content in blood, and slows down the aging process of organism.
Ingredients: tilia, pomegranate leaves,chamomile, leaves of cherry, mint, raspberry leaves, black currant leaves.
Preparation method: put 1 teaspoon of loose tea into 200 ml of boiled water
and leave
it for 5-7 minutes.
Storage method: store in a cool and dry place in the temperature of up to 20oC and relativehumidity above 70%.
Each pack of tea contains 5 tea filter bags.
Black Currant is a real stock of useful substances because it is rich in vitamins B, P, E, K and A. This tincture is washing away and removing from the organism unwanted salts, at the same time restoring the unsettled metabolism. The fruits and leaves of the black currant help remove the kidney stones from the body, improve the condition of the liver and the respiratory system of the body.
Mint was used in ancient times, believing in its power and even calling it "the grass of durability". The raw material collect during the flowering season, leave for several hours in the sun, then dry completely in a windy place. For treatment purposes are mainly used the herb leaves. This method is a good help to the gastrointestinal tract pains. Mint improves digestion. Reduces the pressure due to potassium content. One cup of tea reduces stress, eliminates depression. Mint leaves remove liver pains, headaches, stimulates heart activity.
The fruit of the chamomile is crooked, with compressed base, trihedral, gray greenisհ seed. All the plant organs have a strong fragrant smell. The fruits begin to ripen in July. It has many healing properties. The tincture useful during diseases of gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract, emphysema, stomach motility (spasm).
For the treatment, mainly use the fruits, leaves and flowers of the plant. Leaves and flowers can be collected in June and July. Staples are thin, covered with sharp thorns. Raspberry has anti-inflammatory, fever redusing, sweating and digestive properties, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, it is recommended to include in the diet of patients that got infarct or insult.
Tea made from dried flowers of pomegranate is very useful for patients with hypertension. It is very useful for anemia because it contains iron. And iron is needed for hematopoetic organs.
Cherry Leaves - But few knows that not only the cherry, but also the cherry leaves are useful. Young cherry leaves contain large quantities of vitamins and very useful for blood vessels, reduces the likelihood of the formation of tromboses and the blood pressure.
Lime tree (Tilia) - is a leafless tree up to 40m high, belonging to the family of Lorengai (Tiliaceae). Blossoms in July-August. Blossoms at the age of 20 and blooms only for 10-15 days. In the Armenian folk medicine, it’s flowers are also used in pneumonia. Also the tea made of lime flower has a great popularity among the people, as a great remedy. The regular use of tea improves the blood picture of anemic patients.